Release yourself from the comparison trap

Stop letting other peopleโ€™s jealousy hold you back

ย Be free from the shame of envying others

F E A T U R E D   I N

This masterclass will be a conversation that wonโ€™t be for everyone.

I mean, who wants to acknowledge that theyโ€™re envious of their mateโ€™s success.

Ewwww! Thatโ€™s not a nice thing to admit.
Weโ€™ve been taught that jealousy is bad, unattractive and an unlovable trait.

So we feel ashamed that weโ€™re secretly jealous of Janet-from-accountโ€™s new car.

Instead, we low key bitch about it in the staff room.

โ€œI mean, if I was to buy a brand new car I wouldnโ€™t have picked that colour,
thatโ€™s all Iโ€™m sayingโ€ *turns both palms up to the sky, cocks head to one side, raises eyebrows and shrugs shoulders*

And of course sometimes you are Janet. Other people are jealous of you and your achievements.

This might come across as dismissing your accomplishments as no big deal, saying things like โ€œitโ€™s alright for someโ€ and generally making you feel small and deflated in your success.

And then we have comparison. The thief of all joy! But comparison is more than just a thief of joy. It also leads to what I like to call โ€œthe f*ck itsโ€.

โ€œThe f*ck itsโ€ occur when you see someone else achieve what youโ€™re working towards and immediately use their success as all the reasons you canโ€™t.

Itโ€™s a demotivating, frustrating and powerless feeling that leads to inaction and stokes victimhood.

We donโ€™t like jealousy and comparison in ourselves. And we donโ€™t like it in other people.

But the truth is jealousy and comparison are normal human emotions.

Youโ€™re not wrong for having them (hell, everybody does) and there is a way to experience them that doesnโ€™t lead to self sabotage, shaming or playing small.

Iโ€™ve been in your shoes.

Hi, my name is Emily (Em) Chadbourne and I am a Mindset and Manifestation Coach.ย 

Iโ€™ve also been a jealous bitch!

Iโ€™ve pretended to be happy for my friends when secretly Iโ€™ve been resentful that the good thing didnโ€™t happen to me.

Iโ€™ve stopped myself from showing up because someone else was already doing it so where was the point.

Iโ€™ve bitched about other people behind their backs because it made me feel better about my own perceived inadequacies.

And Iโ€™ve been embarrassed of my own achievements because of someone else's jealousy.

None of it was good for my self esteem and it certainly didnโ€™t help me manifest the life I desired.

My jealousy has always upset me. I thought it made me a bad person. But in my 7 years of coaching women I have observed that far from being the horrendous person I thought I was, my behaviour was actually pretty normal.

That didnโ€™t make it resourceful (or at times, kind). But at least I wasnโ€™t alone.

In the last couple of years I decided to turn my focus towards understanding why jealousy and comparison featured so heavily in my life and how I could live with them in a way that inspired growth and confidence instead of bitterness and resentment.

What I wasnโ€™t expecting was that understanding these emotions also gave me the courage to shine when someone else tried to put their jealousy on me.

I liberated myself from comparison in every way!

I am so excited to have this conversation with you and share the tangible steps that will set you free from the restraints of comparison and jealousy.

Itโ€™s time we ditched the shame around these normal human feelings so that we can take a look at whatโ€™s going on behind them, address them and be free to see (and live) our own worth.

This, my friends, is freedom.

Iโ€™ve been in your shoes.

Hi, my name is Emily (Em) Chadbourne and I am a Mindset and Manifestation Coach.ย 

Iโ€™ve also been a jealous bitch!

Iโ€™ve pretended to be happy for my friends when secretly Iโ€™ve been resentful that the good thing didnโ€™t happen to me.

Iโ€™ve stopped myself from showing up because someone else was already doing it so where was the point.

Iโ€™ve bitched about other people behind their backs because it made me feel better about my own perceived inadequacies.

And Iโ€™ve been embarrassed of my own achievements because of someone else's jealousy.

None of it was good for my self esteem and it certainly didnโ€™t help me manifest the life I desired.

My jealousy has always upset me. I thought it made me a bad person. But in my 7 years of coaching women I have observed that far from being the horrendous person I thought I was, my behaviour was actually pretty normal.

That didnโ€™t make it resourceful (or at times, kind). But at least I wasnโ€™t alone.

In the last couple of years I decided to turn my focus towards understanding why jealousy and comparison featured so heavily in my life and how I could live with them in a way that inspired growth and confidence instead of bitterness and resentment.

What I wasnโ€™t expecting was that understanding these emotions also gave me the courage to shine when someone else tried to put their jealousy on me.

I liberated myself from comparison in every way!

I am so excited to have this conversation with you and share the tangible steps that will set you free from the restraints of comparison and jealousy.

Itโ€™s time we ditched the shame around these normal human feelings so that we can take a look at whatโ€™s going on behind them, address them and be free to see (and live) our own worth.

This, my friends, is freedom.

The Jealous B*tch is perfect for anyone who

โœ…ย ย is holding themselves back because of comparison

โœ…ย ย feels jealous of the people they loveโ€ฆ and then immediately feels guilty about feeling jealous

โœ…ย ย doesnโ€™t relate to jealousy but can see how they sometimes accidentally diminish other peopleโ€™s success to make themselves feel better

โœ…ย ย feels like other people are jealous of them and so play a smaller game or downplay their success

The Jealous B*tch masterclass is not for you if you

โŒย ย areย just a b*tch

โŒย ย are attached to victimhood

โŒย  donโ€™t want to see the best in people

โŒย  arenโ€™t into taking radical responsibility for yourself


1. The freedom formula to living without comparison to others

2. The process of dissecting and understanding your jealousy

3. The steps to address what is underlying your jealousy

4. How to shine without compensating for other peopleโ€™s jealousy and comparison

When you register for the Jealous B*tch Masterclass, youโ€™ll get

Live access to a 90 minute masterclass with Em
VALUE: $497

This is a one-off opportunity to join Em live giving you the chance to ask questions and enter discussion. Have the context of this masterclass delivered specifically for your lived experience so that you can get the best possible outcome.

Unlimited replays
VALUE: $120

Iย know your time is precious and itโ€™s not always possible to join live so you can catch up whenever it is convenient to you. Youโ€™ll also want to rewatch some or all of the masterclass because it will be so rich with information, strategies and transformation so you can access the replay as often as you like. For those who canโ€™t attend live, you will have the opportunity to reach out to Em before the live session so she can speak to your experience during the live broadcast (optional and anonymous).


Mp3 of the masterclass
VALUE: $50

Not everyone learns the same way and we always aim to be inclusive here at Unashamedly Human so we will be making an audio version of the masterclass available. Perfect for listening on the go.


Valuable and comprehensive worksheet and journal prompts
VALUE: $50

Embody your learning with this worksheet full of journal prompts, how-to guides and lots of space to reflect. This highly valuable worksheet will support your learning and provide structure for you to apply the masterclass content to your specific life experience.


Dozens of women have experienced Em's masterclasses.

Here’s what a few of them have to say:


Got questions? We've got the answers!

๐Ÿ“Œ What time is the masterclass?

8pm AEST on Thursday, 27th July 2023


๐Ÿ“Œ How long will it go for?

Anything from 60 to 90 minutes. But if people have more questions Iโ€™m happy to hang around and keep delivering GOLD - because youโ€™ll get unlimited replays you can always catch up if you canโ€™t stay for the full duration.


๐Ÿ“Œ I don’t want to show my face or name. Will it all be anonymous?

Absolutely. Only the people on the live call (Zoom) will know you are there (and you can always have your camera off and set your name to something like BLOODY LEGEND.) The version that we upload for future purposes is from a different camera so no names, faces or comments will be shown.


๐Ÿ“Œ What do I need to bring?

A cuppa, a journal for note taking and a ‘I’m ready’ attitude.


๐Ÿ“Œ Will you run it again?

No, once we have recorded the masterclass live it will stay on my website to purchase for $47 so you should absolutely sign up now for just $21.

Got more questions?

You can email [email protected] and either myself or my team will get back to you.

Know someone who could do with coming along?

Please feel free to share the link so they can register today for just $21!